Isn’t it time to go deeper in your life and your leadership?

About the Book

“My lack of a mentor in the early years of my leadership journey compels me to mentor the next generation of female leaders. The Collective Journey shares all the lessons I wish I had known, and a little more. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn…

  • How is it with your soul?

    Who am I? (Understanding personality, temperament, and how God created you)

    What is life-giving (Grace of God, Love of God, Peace of God)

  • How is it with your story?

    A Journey with God to Find Forgiveness

    Gratitude and Joy Parties

  • Meaning and Passions

    It’s All About You and It’s Not About You at All

    Vision and Values

  • You Were Created for Community

    You Belong to a Tribe Much Bigger Than You

    Your Tribe Connects You to Other Tribes (Tribes are generational)

Headshot of Author, Lisa Potter

About the Author

LISA POTTER is a passionate leader of women who lead, a “grace-downloader,” and a generational bridge-builder. She lives out her passions through speaking, writing, worship, and mentoring the next generation of female leaders. She loves family, making lasting friendship connections, a “spot of tea,” storytelling, decorating, and living out her life in a creative flow. As she speaks, Lisa uses her life experiences to powerfully and transparently connect with her audience. 

An ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, she is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary with a MA in Leadership and Ministry.

Lisa and her husband Frank live in Warrenton, Virginia, nestled between Washington D.C. and the beautiful Shenandoah mountains. They have two grown children, Lindsay and Andrew, a beautiful daughter-in-love Allison and a golden retriever, Brady.


  • We need to share what we've learned.

    Living through the pain of high expectations, loneliness, criticism, and spiritual and physical exhaustion became a lesson called “Things I Wish I Had Known.” Along my own journey, I learned several lessons: the importance of taking care of the soul, the power of story, the need to know my calling, and the necessity of developing a community of support and friendships. Ultimately, I also learned that effective leadership recognizes the importance of creating a sustainable organizational pipeline for the next generation.

  • We need to fill the leadership pipeline.

    Pipeline building requires generational bridges, strategic planning, vision execution, clear mission, core values, and the opportunity to share stories. Together, these strategies build upon the pain and passion that fuels leadership within an organization. Of all strategies required for building a sustainable leadership pipeline for future women leaders, I believe mentoring and building relational communities remain among the most important.

  • We need relational mentoring.

    A relational mentoring model developed to effectively engage younger female leaders in a journey toward transformation and wholeness is crucial for creating a leadership pipeline. The mentoring model utilizes the four primary elements found in the Paul and Timothy leadership mentoring model in 2 Timothy 1:1-18 and employs four primary elements discovered in the passage: core self, communion (the power of story), calling, and community.

Let’s do this together…

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